Medical Negligence
Special Interest Group
The PEOPIL medical negligence group aims to look at the European issues of today. Its objectives include the putting together of a framework for the exchange of information on issues of medical negligence and influencing European legislation to protect victims of medical negligence.
The PEOPIL medical negligence group organises Seminars to allow its members exchange information and views in the presence of legal and medical experts. By becoming a member of the PEOPIL medical negligence group Solicitors and Barristers can be further informed regarding the following medical issues:
- The legal framework of the patient/doctor relationship
- The duty to inform patients of all risks associated with medical treatments
- The various standards of care applicable in European countries
- The burden of proof required to establish causation and liability for medical negligence
- Various limitation periods that apply in European countries
- The right to access to medical records for patients
- How medical experts can be funded
Lauren Sutherland KC chairs the PEOPIL Medical Negligence Special Interest Group.
Lauren is an Advocate at the Bar in Scotland and is a member of Ampersand Advocates, Edinburgh, see her bio here.
Lauren is also qualified in England and Wales and called to the English Bar in 2021. She is a member of Byrom Street Chambers in Manchester.
She is ranked in both Chambers and the Legal 500. She is also a CEDR accredited mediator. She is a member of PEOPIL, APIL and AAJ. She has lectured widely to lawyers and doctors on the topic of clinical negligence with particular interest in information disclosure to patients to enable them to make informed choices. She is contributor on medical negligence to the Reparation Bulletin in Scotland.
Lauren has considerable experience gained over 30 years in catastrophic injury cases and has a particular interest in cerebral palsy and brain injury cases. She has appeared in the courts of Scotland and England/Wales and in the Appeal Court and Supreme Court of the UK.
Lauren was appointed by the Scottish Government as Counsel to the Vale of Leven Public Inquiry which reviewed infection control issues within the hospital which resulted in a large number of patient deaths. She was also appointed as part of the review panel Chaired by Professor S McLean into the question of the introduction of no-fault compensation in Scotland.
Lauren was part of the claimant team in the landmark clinical negligence case of Montgomery v Lanarkshire Health Board where the Supreme Court in the UK overhauled the law on information disclosure to patients in the UK. This was of particular importance to her having taught doctors lawyers and dentists patient consent for 20 years. Following the case, she wrote a book on Patient Consent post Montgomery. In 2023 she was part of the team in McCulloch v Forth Valley Health Board where the Supreme Court in the UK considered the question of reasonable options in consent cases.
She represented claimants in the Scottish Transvaginal Mesh cases and was also involved in the metal on metal hip implant cases and the Nimrod litigation. She has represented families in Scotland at Fatal Accident Inquires considering deaths in hospital and she has appeared for families at Inquests in England/Wales. She is currently involved in litigation for Kenyan tea workers for Musculo skeletal injuries in Scotland.
The PEOPIL SIG Group joined with AAJ in Florence in 2023 for their first successful combined Medical Negligence Conference and the next Conference is in Paris in September 2025.
If you would like to be a part of this group, if you are keen to develop the group further or require further information please contact for more information.

Chair of the PEOPIL Medical Negligence SIG