RTA and Whiplash
Special Interest Group
If there is one subject that touches all PEOPIL members it is international road traffic accidents. With an average of 500,000 accidents occurring annually in Europe knowledge of foreign counterparts is essential.
The statistics around road traffic crashes are frightening. The World Health Organisation reports that every year the lives of approximately 1.3 million people are cut short as a result of road traffic crashes. Between 20 and 50 million more people suffer injury on the world’s roads, and many of those injuries are life changing. Sadly this means that the majority, if not all, of PEOPIL’s members will deal with claims arising from road traffic collisions. Where the claim involves an international road traffic accident, it is essential to obtain assistance from colleagues practicing in the location where the collision occurred.
The RTA and Whiplash SIG was founded in the year 2000. It is one of PEOPIL’s largest SIGs and holds 1 seminar per year, Members of the SIG also regularly present on road traffic issues at PEOPIL’s Annual Conference.
The current Chair of the RTA and Whiplash SIG is Katherine Allen. Katherine is a Partner at Hugh James Solicitors in London specialising in Travel Law. She acts for tourists who have become ill or been injured on package holidays, in road accidents abroad, on cruise liners and on aeroplanes.
Ian Denham is the current Secretary of the SIG. Ian is a barrister at Outer Temple Chambers in London and is a personal injury practitioner with a particular expertise in matters involving serious and catastrophic injuries, wrongful deaths and accidents abroad. He has a particular interest in cases with an international element, including claims raising conflicts of law and jurisdictional issues.
If you would like to be a part of this group, if you are keen to develop the group further or require further information please contact admin@peopil.com for more information.

Chair of the PEOPIL RTA and Whiplash SIG