Tort Reform and Access to Justice
PEOPIL’s Tort Reform and Access to Justice Group is formed by an enthusiastic group of academics and lawyers who are particularly committed to give the opinion of our organisation to the European Commission and Parliament with regard to personal injury related matters.
In this video, Marco explains what the Tort Reform and Access to Justice group aims to achieve.
On 15 & 16 April 2024, our PEOPIL members from the Tort Reform & Access to Justice Group Iñigo Navarro Mendizabal, Carlos Villacorta Salís and Marco Bona participated as speakers at the CONGRESO INTERNACIONAL “NUEVO MARCO JURÍDICO EUROPEO SOBRE LA INTELIGENCIA ARTIFICIAL: SU IRRUPCIÓN EN EL DERECHO DE DAÑOS”, organised by the Departamento de Derecho Civil of Alicante University.
The conference focused on AI Act, the future Product Liability Directive and the pending proposal for the AI Liability Directive. AI is becoming more and more a key issue for personal injury lawyers. Marco Bona presented PEOPIL position paper on the above proposal for directives outlining their critical points.
By participating to events of this kind PEOPIL aims at promoting the protection of individuals and society against the risks posed by new technologies and the victims’ right to full compensation.

Chair of the PEOPIL Tort Reform and Access to Justice SIG
David’s experience in aviation litigation spans some 35 years. He was first introduced to aviation law when instructed by the British Airline Pilots Association (BALPA) to deal with aviation cases in 1988. He has represented pilots in numerous incidents, occurrences and accidents over the years. In addition to direct work for pilots, David has acted for passengers and pilots in 24 airline crash cases throughout the world involving airliners, military aircraft, light aircraft and helicopters. Recent cases involve product liability case against Airbus following the Turoy Norway Super Puma case accident. David is also still involved in MH17 and was involved in the Shoreham Airshow Accident and the Super Puma Sumburgh accident in Scotland.
His aim as Chair of the Aviation EEG is to share the decades of knowledge that he and other senior members of PEOPIL have with the new lawyers in PEOPIL and to encourage and exchange the sharing of information between all members for the benefit of existing and future clients.